You clicked a lovely pic with you girl friend and from side some unwanted person put his nose in it. !
Now here is a tool to solve this problem instantly. Crop Tool is used frequent tool used in editing. From the photography point of view it is an important and initial tool to give better composition. Other than Photoshop you will get this tool in all image editing software. Now let see its working.
U will see this tool in upper part of toolbar will all selection tools.
Now from CS6 we have some changes in crop tool but the working style is remain same. When you click on Crop tool a bounding box will be appear, there will be control points in corners by which you can define the new composition of image.
Now when you are done with your composition pres ENTER. And here you are with your final output.
Hopefully this tutorial helps you. Ask your Questions related to topic below in comments bar.
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