Blending Mode


Normal – It edit, change or paint every pixel to make the result color. It is the default mode. When we are working with indexed color image or bitmap , normal is known as Threshold. (Index Color and Bitmap is explained in Introduction chapter )

Table of Contents

Dissolve – Same like normal blend mode it edit and paint every pixel to make result color. It replace pixel randomly from base color or blend color to have result color. Replacement is depends on opacity of pixels at particular location.This blend mode works best with large brush size.

Multiply –  Multiplying any color with white leaves the color unchanged. When we square measure painting with a color aside from black or white, ordered strokes with a painting tool turn out increasingly darker colors. The result is same as drawing with magic markers.  The result color is usually a darker color. multiplying any color with black turnout black.

Screen – Takes a gander at each one color channel’s data and reproduce the backwards of mix and base shades. The consequence color is dependably a lighter shade. Screening with dark leaves the shade unaltered. Screening with white produce white. The impact is like anticipating different photographic slides on top of one another.

Overlay –  Multiplies or screen the colors, betting on the bottom color. Pattern or colors overlay the prevailing pixels whereas conserving the highlights and shadows of the bottom color. The base color isn’t replaced however is mixed with the mix color to mirror the lightness or darkness of the first color.

Soft Light – Depending on the blend color it darken or lighten the colors. The effect is just same like shining spotlight on a image. A result color will be dodged and lighten, if blend color is lighter than 50% gray color. Result color will be burned or looks darker if blend color is darker than 50% darker. If we paint with white or black color as a blend color, then it will be extreme darker or lighten , but not pure black and white.

Hard Light – It depends on blend color, whether it will multiply or screens the colors. It will effect like a harsh shining spotlight on the image. Result image will be lightened , if blend color is lighter than 50% gray color. As it will be screened. By this you can add highlights to image. Result image will be darker, if blend color is darker than 50% gray color. As it will be multiplied.
By this you can add highlights to image. Using pure black and white color will result in same black and white color only.

Vivid Light –  It is actually a combination of color burn and dodge.  It burns or dodge colors, with adding or removing the contrast of image, it all depends on the color which are combined.

Linear Light – It is combination of linear burn and linear dodge.  It burns or dodge colors, with adding or removing the brightness of image, it all depends on the color which are combined.

Pin Light –  Pin light is combination of two blending modes, darken and lighten modes.  By bases blend color it replace the color.

Color Dodge – It pick up the data of every channel and brighten the base color , and reflects blend color.  If you blend it with black color , it will create no change.

Linear Dodge – It is almost same as color dodge, but it increase the brightness to brighten the base color to reflect blend color. Same with this blending mode, black color will tend to no change.

Color Burn – It pick up the data of every channel and darkens the base color , and reflects blend color. If you blend with white, it will come up with no change.

Linear Burn – It is almost same as color burn, but it decrease the brightness to darken the base color to reflect blend color. Same with this blending mode, white color will tend to no change.

Darken – Picks up color data of both blend and base color, come up with the result whichever is darken between blend color or base color. Pixel which are lighter than the blend color are replaced and which are darker that blend color will not be changed

Lighten – Picks up color data of both blend and base color, come up with the result whichever is lighter between blend color or base color.  Pixel which are darker than the blend color are replaced and which are lighter that blend color will not be changed

Difference – Picks up color data from blend and base color. After that it will subtract blend color from base color , or base color from blend color. It depends on which color have higher brighten value from blend and base color. If we blends with white color it will inverts the value of base color, but blending with black will end up with no change.

Exclusion – Its effect is same as difference mode, but it is lower in contrast as compare to difference blending mode. If you blend with white it will invert the value of base color. Blending with black will end up with no change.

Hue – Its result color is created with the luminance and saturation of the base color, and hue of the blend color.

Saturation – Its result color is created with the luminance and hue of the base color, and saturation of the blend color. While you are in this mode, if you paint or use blend color with 0 saturation , or can say gray, then it will have no effect.

Color – Its result color is created with the luminance of the base color, and  hue and saturation of the blend color. It is useful to color monochrome images, as it preserves gray levels of image.

Luminosity –  Its result color is created with the hue and saturation of the base color, and luminance of the blend color.Its effect is just inverse from the color blending mode.

Here we complete with this tutorial, if you want to see working of blending layer practically , you can refer to the video of this tutorial. We made the videos of important topics only, if you want us to make video of any specific tutorial, then mail us at  Our team is always ready to provide everything which you want related to this course.

Use these blending modes with your creativity and have some nice outputs. Hopefully this tutorial helps you. Ask your Questions related to topic below in comments bar. Share Tool Tutorial with your friends through social and other medium ( would be appreciated! )

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